Before doing anything i suggest you first take backup of your wordpress database and all your wordpress files, specially , wp-config.php and wp-content directory. As you may know wp-config.php contains your database information and other important information about your wordpress website. Once you have backed up your site then follow below steps to update your wordpress stie. Otherwise click here how to backup wordpress. I hope you have backed up your wordpress site completely.
Now we have two different ways to udpate our website one way is very simple. And other way needs FTP information and update wordpress via FTP dont worry that’s also simple as well 🙂
Updating wordpress via wordpress Dashboard.
Simply go to your wordpress admin panel dashboard login there and you are on your wordpress admin dashbaord. Under dashboard you will find 2 options Home and Updates click on updates and there you will see if you need to update your wordpress or not if you need then select update that’s it.
Updating wordpress via FTP.
First of all download latest version of wordpress from here download wordpress. Once you have downloaded wordpress unzip in local drive and delete wp-content directory from your latest wordpress, cause you have no need to update wp-content/ as this holds all your themes, and plugins, also you cannot update or rewrite wp-config.php cause that holds information about your database and site url etc. Well open FTP sign in your site via filezilla. Once you have signed in your site via Filezilla or any other FTP program select directory where your site is this is usually inside public_html/ directory open that directory and rewrite directories.
and all wordpress files except wp-config.php Dont worry wp-config.php do not come with latest wordpress cause this file is generated automatically during installation of wordpress.
Again never rewrite wp-content/ directory else you will lost data about your site. All uploads/ themes/ plugins/ stay inside wp-content/
That’s it you have updated your wordpress successfully. 🙂
Please read further about WordPress upgrade in our new article.