To backup your wordpress you have to backup your all files and directories and save them in your local hard drive, also as you may know wordpress save all data about posts, users, pages, and many more things categories etc in database so we need to backup database as well in .sql format.
Backup wordpress files and Directories
To backup wordpress files and directories you have to login ftp using information which your server provider gave you this information is something like this mostly. Host: User: username Password: yourpass. You can use filezila that is very nice software to download all your files and connect with FTP click here to download filezilla. Download filezilla and connect with your server using your ftp information, websites usually reside inside public_html directory or www directory depends you are using Apache or IIS well go to inside public_html, there is your site’s files and directories Select all from right side, and select directory in left side where you want to download all your wordpress files. Start downloading this can take some time depends on your site size. Once you are done. Follow below steps to backup your database.
Backup wordpress database
To backup your wordpress database you have to login your control panel cPanel by information you got from your server provider this can be like this User: username pass: password. Login there and then select CTRL+F and write phpMyAdmin and search for phpMyadmin go there and in left side you will see list of all databases if you know which database is your site’s database click on that and open dont click on any table after that cause we dont want to download only 1 table we want to download all database. If you dont know which database is your open wp-config.php in notepad from your wordpress files and there you will see DB NAMe check the name and select.
Once you have selected your database in phpMyAdmin then search for Export option in right side top tabs click on that and Export .sql file and click on Save As and save that file in your local Drive that’s all. you have backed up your wordpress site.
There are many plugins they help you to backup database and directories you can search them on google as well and read their installation notes and FAQ’s if they can help you nicely.