There are various scenarios when you are unable to export database through phpmyadmin in your XAMPP installation. Here you would need to restore your databases manually from the directories when you are unable to access PHPmyadmin.
Well if you have already installed the new XAMPP and you have the backup of your old XAMPP installation or /mysql folder then you are all set.
Please follow steps below to restore databases from old XAMPP installation
First of all its very important that you save the /mysql folder from your old xampp installation and also /htdocs folder for other files and directories. But we will talk about only databases here nothing else.
- First of all save the old XAMPP folder somewhere else.
- Now you have to install new XAMPP.
- After you have tested XAMPP is correctly installed and working fine.
- Now copy /xampp/mysql/data/ibdata1 from old installation to new installation.
- Now copy all folders of databases except /mysql/, /performance_schema/, /phpmyadmin/ from xampp/mysql/databa/ and put them in new installation
- Restart XAMPP and run PHPmyadmin your all databases are there.
Sometime you get problem like Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly. You can visit to try to resolve issues.
If you need visual presentation kindly check this video.