In some cases, we face the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error while working online. This error typically expresses as “the internet browser can’t find server IP address” This is the most disappointing mistake clients looked while functioning as it is incapable of getting to the website. But now the clients don’t have to stress over it as fortunately, this error can be settled effectively. In this article, we try to explain the main reasons behind this error and offer a few techniques that will be useful in fixing this error.
Let’s dive into the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error.
Basically, DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN is a common error that mostly occurs with Google Chrome. It is a Domain Name System (DNS) error that usually confuses users and prevents them to visit that web page.
Preview of the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error on different web browsers.
- Google Chrome
- Internet Explorer
- Mozilla Firefox
When does the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error occur?
This error can happen when:
- Any internet browser is unable to find the designated website because the domain is unregistered or has expired.
- The domain is unable to locate any IP address.
- The error occurs due to slow internet connectivity.
- Some antivirus software obstructs network settings.
- Any glitch happens in the DNS settings of the user’s computer and is unable to determine the area.
How can we fix the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error on the desktop?
There are several ways to fix this error. The following are the easiest ways to fix the error.
1. Check your domain name:
The first and utmost step is to check your domain name whether your domain name has been typed correctly or has expired or is simply not registered. If your domain name has been mistyped then the browser is unable to locate the IP address and also you will see a “check if there is a type..” statement within the error message
If there’s no spelling mistake and still an error appears on the screen then maybe there are chances of domain expiry. You can confirm your domain expiry from ICANN LOOKUP
2. Renew your IP address:
Releasing and renewing your IP address is all about flushing out the DNS cache and it is the most recommended way to fix DNS errors.
- Go to >> Command Prompt>> type in the following command and press enter.
This will successfully flush the local DNS cache.
- After that type again following mentioned command and then hit enter.
- Then type again the following mentioned command and press enter.
- To rest your IP settings and Winsock catalog type these:
netsh int ip set dns
netsh winsock reset
Once done exit the command prompt and restart your computer and check whether the error still exists or has been resolved.
3. Change DNS Servers
If clearing the cache does not work then changing DNS servers, is another option you can go for. DNS servers help in transforming the domain name into its internet address. We have shown a detail of the method for both, desktop and mac, below.
If you want to edit IPv4 then all you need is to follow the following steps
- Go >Internet settings> Change adapter settings
- Click on your internet connection>> Properties>> then click on the Internet Protocol Version (TCP/ IPv4)
- Choose the DNS server addresses and enter the DNS server correctly.
Preferred DNS Server
For IPv4
For IPv6 2001: 4860 :4860 :8888
Alternate DNS server
For IPv4
For IPv6 2001: 4860 :4860 :8844
- Last, click OK to save changes and restart the computer to check whether the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error fix or not.
Mac users need to follow the following steps
- Open system preferences
- Go to the Network option
- Pick your current local area connection
- Click Advanced button
- Press + button on the DNS tab and type IPv4 or IPv6 DNS servers
For IPv4: and
For IPv6:
2606:4700:4700::1111 and 2606:4700:4700::1001
- Do not forget to press Ok at the end.
4. Check Local Host Files:
Computers have local host files that contain manual DNS entries which are linked to specific IP addresses. Whenever you open any website, these files open the correct page to display on the browser. Checking and editing the file help in fixing the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error.
We have explained the method for both, desktops and Mac.
For windows, the users need to follow the following steps in order to fix the error.
- Select Notepad from the search box and hit Run as administrator.
- Go to file > Open > Change the file filter from a text document(*txt) to All files
- Enter the following mentioned text in the file name bar.
- Select hosts file and open it.
- You will see an error file at the bottom, just below the # symbol. If you see any website’s domain name with an IP address under the localhost line, then delete that file and save the changes.
Refresh the system and then check if the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error is still there or has been removed.
For checking your host files on mac, users need to follow the following steps
- Open terminal application
- Enter the following mentioned command and then insert the password
sudo nano /private/etc/hosts
- The host file will display in front of your screen and then if you’ll see blacklisted websites at the bottom, just remove them and press
command + O
to overwrite the host file. - Click on Return to save changes
- Exit the file by pressing
Command + X
5. Restart DNS Client Service:
There are three ways to restart DNS client service on windows.
Windows Command Prompt
Follow these steps:
- By clicking the Windows logo key and R, Open the Command Prompt.
- Now type cmd and press Enter.
- Type the following commands step by step:
net stop dnscache
net start dnscache
The first command will stop your DNS server and the second one will start it again.
These output commands show that you are done with first stopping and then again starting of DNS.
The DNS Client service was stopped successfully.
The DNS Client service was started successfully
Windows Services Manager
Follow these steps to fix the error by Windows services manager:
- Search bar will show you Services option.
- By scrolling down you will find DNS Client option there.
- Select Restart button from further options.
Windows System Configuration
- Press the Windows logo key and R, then type msconfig in your search bar.
- Select the Services option and find there DNS Client option.
- Now uncheck the DNS Client option in the list.
- Select OK and Restart it now.
- You will repeat first two steps but this time you will not uncheck the DNS Client option. But check the DNS Client option.
- Restart the device now.
6. Reset Chrome flags:
We can remove the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error by resetting chrome flags. Google Chrome flags can get messed up sometimes and create errors. You can reset these chrome flags by entering chrome://flags
and hitting on Reset all and then restarting your browser.
7. Disable Antivirus and VPN temporarily
Sometimes, VPN and Antivirus can create disturbance with your network settings including DNS servers. If you are facing a problem then you need to temporarily deactivate your VPN and antivirus.
Go to settings> Network & Internet > Disable VPN

8. Restart your computer
It will be annoying but if none of the above-mentioned steps worked, then you need to restart your computer. It’s the last option to fix the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error.
How can we fix the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error on mobile?
Sometimes users face the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error on mobile as well. They need to get rid of it. We have explained the methods to fix the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error on mobile as follows.
1. Restart your device:
For Android or iPhone iOS users need to restart their device to encounter the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error.
2. Check the Application’s update:
You need to check for daily updates on your mobile applications. Always use the latest version of the application.
3. Clear Chrome’s browser and app data:
Clearing chrome’s browser and application data are one of the influential steps in getting rid of the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error. All you need is to:
- Open chrome app
- Press the menu icon
- Go to history > clear browsing data
- Checked mark the browsing history and cached images and files option.
- Press Ok to clear data.
4. Check the system’s update:
Your mobile’s system should be up to date. Check if your mobile need to be updated or not. Once your mobile’s system has been updated, check if the error has been removed or not, from the chrome app.
5. Check the mobile’s network settings
For desktops, you need to reset or check your mobile network’s settings as well to get rid of the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error.
Android users need to follow the following steps
- Go to Settings > Network & Internet > Internet
- Make your WiFi enable
- Hold on to your WiFi connection and then hit on Modify
- Select DNS 1 and DNS 2 fields and enter the following information
DNS 1:
DNS 2:
- Do not forget to Save changes, After saving, go back to chrome’s app and check if the error has been removed or not.
For iPhone iOS users:
- Go to Settings > WiFi
- Hit on the network in the menu
- Hit on Configure DNS > Manual
- Just remove the listings under DNS servers and add the new following listings.
- Save changes and restart the chrome app and check if the error has been removed or not.
DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error is frustrating but it’s pretty easy to get rid of it. We tried to explain the steps In order to fix this error on desktop as well as on mobile in detail, as it will be for our visitors to get rid of the error. If you still have any confusion or you need to ask questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
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