To add pages in wordpress, simply login your wordpress. At extreme left, go to your WordPress admin area and under ‘Pages’ you will find your tab “Add New”. Write a title and give content to your page.
Adding Featured image in wordpress page:
There is a section on the right bottom side in write page panel, from where you can set a featured image. Following steps will help you have a crystal clear understanding.
Selecting parent in wordpress page:
If your page is linked to any other page or if you have sub pages for a main page, you can simply select the parent page from your drop down list at the right of the page editor.
You can move a page from one category to the other by clicking edit in the page menu, hover over the page you wish to edit and click Quick Edit.
Give order to your page:
Order option in wordpress is to give numbering to your pages. You can order your pages to create a sequence in them.
Edit URL/ Add a title of your choice:
WordPress gives the option to change your permalinks by edit your titles.