If you already have bought our RepairBuddy CRM WordPress plugin for your mobile repairing, computer repairing or any other repairing type business.
This is very simple how you can activate the plugin please follow simple steps below to activate the plugin.
How to activate RepairBuddy CRM Plugin?
You need two items to activate your RepairBuddy CRM Plugin
- Email address from which you bought the plugin.
- Purchase code
To get the details please login to our customer portal. And from your purchase items find RepairBuddy CRM plugin and copy its purchase code.
Activate your plugin’s premium version
Now you can sign in your WordPress admin and go to plugin options. And move to Activation tab where you can enter your purchaser’s email with purchase code and click activate button.
If this do not work for you that can be because of your previous version’s cache kindly refresh with CTRL+F5 thanks.