CRM WordPress Plugin – RepairBuddy

CRM WordPress Plugin – RepairBuddy
CRM WordPress Plugin - RepairBuddy

    What Other say about our Product!

  1. Gyula Csiak
    Gyula Csiak

    Great plugin with outstanding and almost Allways-On Support Service, thank you very much and keep up the good work!

  2. menddit

    I recommend this plug-in to anyone who has a repair shop, it’s very helpful plug-in and the developer is always ready to help!

  3. Ahmednhussein

    This plugin is the right choice for any service center and match the business needs and easy to use. Also support team is very co-operative and provide fixes/new versions and very good timely manner. I used the Pro version and I’m totally satisfied with it. and recommend other to try.

  4. rwcapodi

    It was not an easy search to find a product (plugin) that would add functionality that dramatically improves my Customer interactions and relationships. I service and repair clocks and vintage electronics. I needed a “simple” way to communicate from my site (me) and back to each of my Customers about the progress of the service or repair of their clock or radio. This plugin established the perfect foundation for me deploying such a solution with having to make minimal changes to the plugin itself. In addition to my servicing and repairing activities, I am also a part-time developer (mainframe and mid-range). This is a well written plugin that made my modifications effortless – modifications to align the plugin to my site’s branding. I highly recommend this plugin, the quality of the plugin, coupled with the excellent Customer Service, makes this plugin the perfect choice foe me today and going forward. Warm Regards

  5. sikandarasr

    Hi. Thank you for creating such a wonderful plugin. This is what I was exactly looking for. I run a mobile repair shop and this plugin is very handy for managing all the online data.

  6. Clark Steve
    Clark Steve

    Thank you for the great plugin this have converted my WordPress site into a computer repair business software. Now i can easily manage my services, products jobs and clients. Everything works great waiting for the reports.

  7. Robert Richard
    Robert Richard

    Computer repair shop plugin is a really great plugin which helped me to manage my work effectively no doubt it is a great CRM for computer businesses i love the invoice.

  8. sujitkumar87

    Great plugin for repair booking.



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