RepairBuddy CRM WordPress Plugin which is capable to convert your WordPress website into a dynamic software. And your website is ready to help you manage your services, parts, jobs and clients very effectively. While in the free version which you can download from WordPress.org you can do everything except few print options are not available. But with premium plugin you get even more features like reports, online case status check and print invoice functionality. To buy premium version you can click on buy now button above.
Either you want RepairBuddy for mobile repairing business, computer repairing business, drone repairing business, watch repairing business, home appliances repairing business or any other type of repairing business. Simply add the devices you operate and services, parts that’s it. And you are ready to receive the repairing orders.
Improved design, security and features are making it more and more useful for your repairing business. If you are looking for a helpful tool to manage your repairing business this is the right product for you.
Don’t have a WordPress website or any website but want to use the RepairBuddy WordPress plugin for your repairing business? Contact Us we have all solutions from Web Hosting to website development and launch.
The design of Computer repair Shop CRM WordPress plugin is great. The services, products and the single service or single product everything looks awesome in its own way. So if you decide to put up and manage your repairing services business effectively. I would recommend you buy premium version of Computer repair shop CRM WordPress plugin. I assure you would not look back after this plugins usage.
Video Presentation of CRM WordPress Plugin for Repair Businesses
Now Repair Shop CRM is capable to be a great solution for home appliances, dry cleaners, Car repairing and other related businesses. With release of 3.0 we have focused on filters so quickly jobs can be filtered. Advance filters help you to see jobs based on their status, payment status, customer and technicians as well. Computer repair shop CRM WordPress plugin is now extending features and becoming more and more business friendly.
How does repair booking works?
Well the repairing booking is an awesome feature and if i use it for my business. I will have a spare laptop in my shop where my customers can fill out repairing form themselves to get started their job. While the repairing booking system is online in your WordPress website so your customers can book their repair service from anywhere. The process is really simple select manufacture, its related device the service needed fill out information and the service is booked.
Admin then receive an email about booked repairing job and then they do whatever they want to do with the booking.
How reports can help you make better Repairing Business decisions?
It is very important that you know how did your business performed in a month or in a specific period. So you can analyze the growth your repairing business is adopting. And if there is no growth what are the right decisions you need to make so your repairing business can get back to track. With reports by RepairBuddy WordPress plugin you get easy view of how well your business is performing. You can filter the sales report by your given date range to compare with other date ranges.
There are various filters that you can get results by devices, by jobs status, by payment status or by dates. So you can get accurate reports about your business and analyze the performance of your business.
Maintenance Reminders in Repair Shop WordPress Plugin
Repair Shop WordPress plugin – RepairBuddy have been extended with an awesome feature of maintenance reminders. Reminders can be sent via emails and sms or both together. You can also define for which type of device the reminder is going to work. Similarly you can select the brand for which the reminder will trigger. The interval in reminder to run again gives you ability to send just one reminder in a specefic time period. Maintenance reminders in repair shop WordPress plugin is a premium feature which makes your business a premium business as well.
The logs of reminders already have been sent will help you understand how they are sent and how customers are responding to your reminders. The keywords you may use in email and sms body are customer name, device label and also link of unsubscribe option. We are happy to announce reminders as a great feature to take your business next level and bring business back from loyal customers.
What’s new in RepairBuddy CRM 3.75?
With latest version of 3.75 in RepairBuddy WordPress plugin you can easily add multiple devices into same job. Which was not possible before but now easily for same customer, on same time you can add their all devices in single job.
Another great milestone is reports which you can filter on basis of job status and payment status for given date range. Plugin is becoming more and more useful for repairing businesses so you should not wait and get into the priority customers list.
Well we have extended plugin with various features since 3.5. The most important feature which came into existence is Job history.
Job history is a new section which enables you to track the history of job. Like when status was changes, what was status before. Which technician is working now who previous technicians worked on the job. Payments history, customer history, job details history and much more. This section also allows you to add manual job history in case you want to add a custom feedback or comment with status private or public.
- Support to add multiple devices
- Device Pin Code/Password
- Make device label changeable
- Make ID/IMEI label changeable
- Search WooCommerce Products Ajax autofill
- Search by device ID
- Device note field
- Multiple devices in jobs, reports, emails, repair orders and labels also reports
- Support for RTL language
Some other features of RepairBuddy WordPress Plugin
The main items includes ability to change Parts with WooCommerce products. Also there is a whole new section of devices in which you can easily create devices and their brands which you repair in your business. Then in job you can easily select the device with its ID/IMEI or any other type of identifier.
More is the ability to include file in your job. Also the best part is Repair order which gives you and your customer a satisfaction and signed agreement also includes pickup signature along work order signatures. Please check the video below or find the slider of screenshots.
Before i start explaining the features of plugin. If you are interested in Mobile repairing Shop WordPress plugin or Mobile repairing shop CRM WP Plugin. The plugin can work great for you because the both mobile and computer repairing businesses are almost identical. Both offers services, parts and support nothing much is required than what plugin already have.
What kind of businesses can use CRM WordPress Plugin?
CRM which means Customer Relation Management system its basic purpose is to enhance your connection with customers. So the plugin is useful for any kind of businesses which offers services, parts and extras or any of these 3. The plugin is capable to handle your customers, technicians, jobs and give you more authority to manage things nicely.
Now have my account section in CRM.
What’s new in CRM WordPress Plugin?
Now CRM WordPress Plugin is extended to add new status and give ability for having a user panel for customers. Where customers can login and request quote or check the status and updates of their ongoing jobs.
Now you can create unlimited taxes and you can also setup primary tax from repair shop CRM settings page. The further settings you can select unique tax for each part or each service. You can also change taxes during the job creation. Its highly suitable for businesses who charge same tax for both services, products and used items. Also gives you ability to use different taxes for parts and services as well salvage which you sell as extras.
The Main settings of Computer Repair Shop CRM WordPress Plugin
The main settings shows you the shortcode which you can use in services page and parts page. The third shortcode is to put on a page for clients help where they can enter their case status and find the details of their job. Other settings like Currency your company operates with. The laptop rental per day or per week if you want to offer laptop on rent. The pickup and delivery charges in case you also offer pickup and delivery of customer device. So these settings are default but you can change them on services page as well as per requirements.
Services Section in your Computer Shop Website
As you can see above you can list unlimited services with some options like service code, time required, service cost and warranty etc. So the all services you list you can post them on a page in boxes form using the shortcode which is available on main page.
The services details which will print on the single service page for your visitors to see. They look elegant and provide enough information regarding your service effectively.
Parts Section in your Repair Shop CRM Website
The parts gives you option to add stock code, manufacturing code, capacity and price with warranty and some other options. You also get the shortcode from main page to paste on a page to list all parts on that page so visitors can easily navigate through parts. The single part page also shows the product or part detail including the description and product title. Yes we have featured images for both parts and services includes as well. The options of part detail would be looking something like below please check the details screenshot.
One thing forgot to mention above the brands gives you ability to add parts of different brands. So if user want to see the items of a specific brand or parts group they can easily click and view the product group page.
Jobs or Orders in CRM WordPress Plugin
Jobs are very important feature in the computer repair shop plugin which gives you ability to add the jobs and print them. There are various options let me try to list them all but better option is you check the video preview above for details. The filters give you ability to find the jobs you are concerned about really quickly. Based on payment status, job status, customer, technician and date also.
From the list of jobs you can search jobs based on order id, case number, order status and payment status also.
- Select your customer if does not exist add new customer
- Case number is auto generated you can add manual number also but should be unique
- Job details gives you option to add the details client provided about their work
- Parts section gives you ability to add the parts as many as in that job
- Services are also same you can add multiple services in 1 job you can change price and quantity also
- Extras are for the items you use from your shop like old cables which are not listed in your products
- Order information gives you totals of parts, services, extras and yes Grand total.
- You can select order status from various statuses.
- Payment status like paid, partially paid, credit
- Order notes are good way to add some notes about job
Take a look to detailed preview page of the job page.
When the work is done and ready to deliver of course you want to provide the invoice to your customer. Just click on print order and the following print page will be ready to print and get job done effectively.
Other items like reports and many more features are available in the plugin you should buy plugin to try everything. Let me try to include some more screenshots.
The customers list which you can download and add to your mailing list also for email marketing about new deals.
Lastly the very good feature for customers they can enter their case number and know the status of their order.
Furthermore the more awesome features like request a quote and the customer panel are awesome things for people to see their CRM WordPress plugin in quick action.
We also have a complete compatible WordPress theme for Computer repair CRM. Please check our computer repair WordPress theme.
If you have feedback and suggestions of presale questions you can contact us.
== Changelog ==
= 3.7973 =
* Maintenance reminder module
* Send maintenance reminders via emails
* Send maintenance reminders via SMS
= 3.7971 =
* Warranty claim module
* Extra fields module
* File attachments in jobs
= 3.7965 =
* FILTER – wc_rb_myaccount_tab_menu_item – ARGUMENT USER ROLE
* FILTER – wc_rb_myaccount_tab_body – ARGUMENT USER ROLE
= 3.7961 =
* Multiple devices in booking module
* Add device serial number in booking
* Add device pin code and note in booking by customer
= 3.7957 =
* Action added before status check >> wc_rb_before_status_check_result
= 3.7956 =
* Add device from job page
* Disable services based on device type
* Disable services based on brand
* Disable services for devices
* Grouped booking shortcode
* Improved Backend design
= 3.7954 =
* Ability to replace devices with woo products
= 3.7953 =
* On-site payments (cash, swipe, check, bank transfer)
* Online payments via WooCommerce orders
= 3.7952 =
* Payment Methods Integration
* Filter – wc_rb_jobs_action_payments – Param JOBID – Return
= 3.7951 =
* SMS integration feature
= 3.7946 =
* Payment methods section settings
* URL to access job status
* Default pages setup for shortcodes
= 3.7945 =
* Currency formating settings
* Thousand separator option, Decimal operator option, Decimal numbers
= 3.7944 =
* Register Actions for different support
* Action – wc_rb_settings_tab_menu_item – Echo
* Action – wc_rb_settings_tab_body – Echo
* Filter – rb_carregistration_inside_device_wrap_jobs – Return
= 3.7943 =
* Number format fix
= 3.7942 =
* jQuery issues fixed front end
* Fixed my account and booking alignment issues
= 3.7941 =
* Fix backend print functionality
= 3.794 =
* Print functionality in front End for orders
* Print Feature in Check Status Window
* GDPR Acceptance in the Quote and Booking form
= 3.793 =
* Add Address to job Recipt
* Add address to repair order
* Customer information in Repair orders
* Custom thank you message in repair order and invoice
* Job filter fixed by devices
= 3.792 =
* Fix design issues conflict with CSS classes
* Fix PHP notice on report page
* Fix Round Decimals
= 3.791 =
* Fix decimal issue in Service qty and price
= 3.79 =
* Use A4 OR A5 size for Repair Order
* Add Device Brand Logo or Image
* Book my service functionality based on brand, device, service and parts selection
* Auto refresh Customer list on add new
= 3.78 =
* WooCommerce My Account Menu – Request quote
* WooCommerce My Account Menu – Repair Orders
= 3.77 =
* Activation process fixed
= 3.75 =
* Make device label changeable
* Make ID/IMEI label changeable
* Support to add multiple devices
* Search by device ID
* Device note field
* Multiple devices in jobs, reports, emails, repair orders and labels also reports
= 3.74 =
* Email notificaiton on add new user disable
* Case Number prefix Generator
* Case number length control for string
* Email about manual job id to customers
= 3.72 =
* Fixed security issues
= 3.71 =
* Fixed minor issues
= 3.70 =
* PHP Short tags removal
* Sanitization of the user inputs
* Escaping the output
= 3.67 =
* Fix request quote problem
* Reports Section
= 3.66 =
* Improved address for customer
* Improved address for technician
= 3.65 =
* Support for RTL language
* Hebrew Language Support
* Fix Database collation
= 3.64 =
* Public Job History in Job Status Check
* Improved status design
= 3.63 =
* Add Company into the invoice.
= 3.62 =
* Black Friday Sale Ends
= 3.61 =
* Black Friday Sale
= 3.60 =
* Job history section
= 3.59 =
* Added device brand in sidebar
* Improved Email Design
* Device Pin Code/Password
= 3.58 =
* Capability and user permission problem resolved
* Search WooCommerce Products Ajax autofill for large# of products
= 3.57 =
* Fixed problem to add number decimals in price fields.
= 3.56 =
* Included the ID in customer dropdown for better search
* Include Device Column In job list page
* Include Device ID along device name in job list page
* Job search by device ID
* Jobs filter by device name
= 3.55 =
* Status Email Message DB Column
* Update Job Status from
* Email message add new status from
* Send email on status chagne with new field from db.
= 3.54 =
* Status change email if status changed from job list page
* Fixed capability issues for Technicians and Managers
= 3.53 =
* Fix Translation issues
* New Feature Repair Label
* New Manager user role
* Fixed technician access
* Change Tax status active/inactive
* Change Job Status Status active/inactive
* Inventory management with WooCommerce
* Create a new job from front end.
* Status change through Job list page
= 3.51 =
* Fix problem of missing files and Fatal error.
= 3.5 =
* Add Button to Disable Parts and Enable WooCommerce Products
* Device Post Type
* Ability to Switch Parts with WooCommerce Products
* Repair Order feature
* Pint on Invoice
* Print button on Repair Order
* Improved Style of Invoice
* Add Device ID / IMEI in job
* Select Device in Job
* File Attachment Option
= 1.0 =
* Initial Release.
== Upgrade Notice ==
Plugin have included new sections disable parts with WooCommerce, Device post type, IMEI or Device ID registration for jobs and many more.
Great news we have created a community for repairing businesses. Register today and list your business to reach more customers. RepairBuddy
What Other say about our Product!
Great plugin with outstanding and almost Allways-On Support Service, thank you very much and keep up the good work!
I recommend this plug-in to anyone who has a repair shop, it’s very helpful plug-in and the developer is always ready to help!
This plugin is the right choice for any service center and match the business needs and easy to use. Also support team is very co-operative and provide fixes/new versions and very good timely manner. I used the Pro version and I’m totally satisfied with it. and recommend other to try.
It was not an easy search to find a product (plugin) that would add functionality that dramatically improves my Customer interactions and relationships. I service and repair clocks and vintage electronics. I needed a “simple” way to communicate from my site (me) and back to each of my Customers about the progress of the service or repair of their clock or radio. This plugin established the perfect foundation for me deploying such a solution with having to make minimal changes to the plugin itself. In addition to my servicing and repairing activities, I am also a part-time developer (mainframe and mid-range). This is a well written plugin that made my modifications effortless – modifications to align the plugin to my site’s branding. I highly recommend this plugin, the quality of the plugin, coupled with the excellent Customer Service, makes this plugin the perfect choice foe me today and going forward. Warm Regards
Hi. Thank you for creating such a wonderful plugin. This is what I was exactly looking for. I run a mobile repair shop and this plugin is very handy for managing all the online data.
Thank you for the great plugin this have converted my WordPress site into a computer repair business software. Now i can easily manage my services, products jobs and clients. Everything works great waiting for the reports.
Computer repair shop plugin is a really great plugin which helped me to manage my work effectively no doubt it is a great CRM for computer businesses i love the invoice.
Great plugin for repair booking.