I have been working as HTML templates and WordPress Themes developer since 2009. So i believe i am the right person to answer WordPress vs HTML which is better for SEO purposes.
Before getting into conclusion or any opinion we need to understand what is a HTML website and what is a WordPress website. Then we can make the comparison and decide which one is better for what purposes.
As we know the purpose of each website’s launch is to get the business or visitors. While the main source of visitors or website traffic are search engines. So Search Engine Optimization becomes really mandatory in case to compete or go above the competitors.
What is a HTML website?
We call it HTML or Static website which means the site is not dynamic. Let’s take an example just to understand.
If you open your text editor notepad in windows. Write something in notepad and save that in your computer. You actually have made an text file. Which you can view every time opening it.
Similarly the HTML website which is made of some CSS, JS and HTML files taking help from images as well. So html or static website is which do not have a special interface or backend to update the data. The data is stored in html files so in case if the user need to change a text line or add new paragraph or to create a new page. Everything would need to be done manually.
Suppose you have 15 pages of your website. For static website if you need to add a new page to navigation then you would require to add that link in every file or page. Similarly if you want to create a news website which release about 5 to 10 news stories a day then HTML or static is obviously not a choice for you.
HTML or Static website is of course very good to perform and if your hosting have limited or shared resources. In such cases to achieve good website speed and performance the good answer is HTML website. For website’s that doesn’t need to be having new content regularly.
What is a WordPress Website?
Before getting into final discussion what is WordPress website. We should understand what is WordPress?
WordPress is a content management system which can be used by self hosted of through wordpress.com platform. When you are using WordPress website you have variety of options to use in terms of plugins and themes.
WordPress plugins extend the functionality and adds more features into your websites. While the WordPress themes are available to change the looks, style and layout of website.
The WordPress uses a database and a backend for content management. WordPress uses database to store the information about website like pages, posts, navigation items and everything. So when you want to add a new page you don’t need to play with code or copying files or editing previous files like you do in HTML websites. Just click add new under pages or posts. And when you need to add information box you have sidebars and widgets. When you need to add new item in navigation you have menus. Similarly when you want to change the how website looks you have WordPress themes.
Just one thing WordPress is a very famous platform which hosts more than 52% of World websites. While its really easy how to create a WordPress website. But it’s not that easy to manage and maintain the WordPress website. The popularity of WordPress platform makes it #1 choice for hackers and trouble makers. If they can crack or enter into 1 website that means they can in million of sites which are based on same platform. To avoid such issues have continuous expert WordPress help and keeping good performance we have WordPress maintenance Service.
Now we know what is WordPress and what is HTML website now we can decide which one is better for SEO.
WordPress or HTML What’s good for SEO?
After the detailed analysis about WordPress and HTML website above actually we can say simple answer is WordPress.
If you say that WordPress as platform have edge over HTML then answer is no. For search engines the websites built in WordPress or HTML are equal and their ranking factor doesn’t like or dislike any form of site.
The search engine’s main priority is to serve good content, good site experience to its researchers. So if your website is a great experience with really valuable content then no matter which type of site you have its going to rock.
So what’s the point using WordPress?
The WordPress would give you easy accessible and manageable website. While HTML website would not need any update where WordPress would require continuous updates, but every update makes you more powerful, secure and give you more trendy features.
Go for WordPress select a WordPress theme and find how to create website guide.
WordPress is easy, powerful and makes you powerful to generate new content. The more new content you put up in your site more related and good traffic is waiting for you!