If your WordPress website hacked and now redirects to other website. It’s kind of a Redirect malware which hackers insert in your website somehow. And your website start redirecting your traffic to other websites. Well it’s really frustrating and annoying when you don’t know why it’s happening.
You have worked so hard on your website and invested a good amount in it. Also you truly love your website and when you see your traffic is being redirecting to other website. It’s just giving you shocks. Oh! yeah you already have tried all famous security plugins also.
But nothing have helped you and you think its time to re create website or you already have lost everything. What else more bad can happen to you if your available backup have this problem also?
You may find some other similar articles useful.
- How To Fix “The Site Ahead Contains Malware” Error On WordPress
- “This Site May Be Hacked” Message
- How To Remove ‘Deceptive Site Ahead’ Warning?
Hire an Expert to fix your hacked website.
If you don’t know what to do, you should not waste your time, and contact a WordPress expert immediately before it harm more to your website. We charge only 39$ to fix hacked websites.
In case you want our WordPress maintenance service then price can be lower.
Negative Impact of redirection?
Hackers can inflict serious damage to your online presence simply by redirecting traffic from your website. And there are number of items can happen to your website if you leave your website redirecting hack un attended:
Brand Hit
As you know the redirects usually are to the sites which sells illegal stuff, or are requesting to download dangerous stuff. It’s really hard for a normal user to know that they have been redirected to a different website. So they would believe your brand offer them stupid stuff. In case some of them download or buy something from those sites that can be even bad for you and can get you in legal consequences also.
SEO Impact
Search engines always care about the safety of their users and they wouldn’t send their users to an infected website. So search engines like google de rank you as soon as they encounter infection in your website. Redirecting WordPress website malware is really bad for your SEO.
When the search engines find out your site is infected by malware and you are involved in SEO spam or the sale of illegal products, your site will be blacklisted. Search engine would also have power to put a dangerious notice on your website’s home page.
Host suspension
Well if you are using a hosting they have shared just a small portion of server while other portions are shared by other users. So this can be dangerous for other users to keep infected file in the server. They can suspend you. But we have found HostGator provides very good notifications about infected files their security system is great.
Breach of Privacy
You may know why google or other search engines prevent their users to visit such infected websites. The main reason the normal users can enter their private information, or download a malicious software or anything. So this can be a real problem for your business also.
Loss of Revenue
The reasons we listed above would all cause you loss business and revenue together. To avoid such issues you should always keep your website clean and infection free. Be professional be WordPress maintenance Service user.
The longer you take to fix the hack, the direr the consequences become. So let’s get to figuring out the root cause of the problem and how to fix it. Contact us to get the hack fixed.
Is WordPress insecure Platform?
As WordPress gets famous day by day this is providing awesome reason to attachers or hackers to hack WordPress websites. Cause getting into 1 WordPress website can help them get into millions cause all are on same platform.
While WordPress contineously work on its security updates and release them as per latest threats come up. But still WordPress depends on Themes and plugins which are provided by third parties.
You can say if you have installed Pure WordPress without any plugin, and with default theme. With strong password you are secure if you keep your WordPress, theme and plugins upto date.
But if you rely on third party plugins/ themes who are not that quick to release updates for latest security threats, those third party themes or plugins can get you in front of attackers. So you can say WordPress isn’t secure its completely secure and wonderful platform CMS.
But you can also say WordPress is also insecure cause it depends on third party plugins and themes which can always come up with security vulnerabilities.
Why hackers hacked my website?
Their purpose is simple and straight they want to steal your traffic and they want to use that traffic to generate revenue. Some other common purposes are they steal the subscribers, users and other private information of your customers and readers.
Why hackers redirects my traffic?
Hackers just want to make sure they get most of your website so they would not leave any door unopened. If your website is compromised now its your duty to clean up and close all such backdoors. Continuous or repeating such attacks can be permanent damage to your website or business. We always recommend to keep professionals with you for help always.
Be professional use WordPress maintenance service.
So do not let others spoil your website and your hard work. Get it sorted asap before its late for you to get things back. Remember your domain name is your brand and it takes time to make goodwill. Do not let them spoil it.
What is WordPress redirect Malware? How to detect redirect malware?
If you try to load your website and you are being redirected to another website from any device. Then this is most probably you are infected with redirect malware. If malware is for a long time on your website and google or bing also have detected it, now your site have started showing notification The site ahead contains malware. This is for sure the redirect or any other malware on your website.
Well if your website isn’t showing the malware notification yet, you are lucky you can fix your website and avoid getting de-ranked from search engines and get such notification. So do it quickly to fix your website hack problem.
How can i clean up my website?
Remember there is not any fix or unique way to fix such errors. You have to clean up the whole site carefully. And almost check everything for any common errors.
First of all Re install WordPress manually.
- Sign in FTP and delete wp-admin completely.
- Now delete wp-includes/ completely.
- Make delete all other WordPress files but do not delete wp-content/ directory.
- Do not delete wp-config.php
- Now upload the deleted one via FTP taking latest version from wordpress.org
Analyse .htaccess and wp-config.php for bad codes
Now download wp-config.php and .htaccess files and analyse them carefully for any bad injected code in those files. The code can be anything just try to compare with normal wp-config.php and .htaccess files.
Update everything Delete inactive Plugins and themes
If you didn’t find any bad code in .htaccess or wp-config.php then.
- Delete all inactive themes
- Delete all inactive plugins
- Update all available themes
- Update all available plugins
Also delete the plugins which have not updated for last 3 or 2 major releases. Do not keep those plugins.
Custom coded theme hacked?
If you are using custom coded WordPress theme in that case you should download theme, and scan with anti virus. Edit each files specially index.php and header.php along functions.php to find out the malicious code.
Get help of an expert to analyse. Hire us to recover your hacked site.
Scan your website with security plugins
Try any from Wordfence or Sucuri WordPress plugins to scan your files. If your problem wasn’t with files now you need to check your posts.
- Make sure your site url and home url is correct going to wp-admin >> Settings >> General.
- Make sure no plugin which you don’t know is active. Or try to deactivate all plugins and see if redirection stops. If yes then activate each plugin one by one to know which one is the actual problem.
Check posts, pages and custom post types for bad javascript code
Now check your posts/pages and any other custom post type if you find malicious code like cdn.allyouwant.online redirections.

This javaScript code is actually inserting a JS file into your each post and as that js file is hosted on allyouwant.online they can modify js file anytime and get your website perform whatever they want extremely dangerous.
Either use search and replace WordPress plugin to remove these codes. Or better is test each page/post and custom post types yourself. Then yes re scan with any security plugin to make sure you are secure now completely.
Is backdoor for hackers closed now?
We cannot say anything about this its your sixth sense which tells you if you said its okay! or you cleaned up your site with efforts and heart! But a quick checklist can be.
- PHP version 7.4 or above
- WordPress 5.4 or above
- Plugins all up to date
- All plugins are from wordpress.org or trusted providers
- Inactive plugins deleted
- Inactive themes deleted
- Deleted any plugin didn’t update for last 3 WordPress releases
- Checked wp-admin >> Settings >> general all is okay
- Checked editing WordPress posts all seems well.
Its okay problems happens and you get out of them also but our recommendation is if you are not WordPress programmer or coder. You should let an expert audit your website and get you out of any future danger. We would let you know what caused you this attack also. Let us audit and fix your website.