One of my customer was complaining for few days that he his WooCommerce analytics data doesn’t match with his sales of this month. Another issue he was complaining same time was action scheduler have past-due actions. Just like below…
Action Scheduler: 207 past-due actions found; something may be wrong. Read documentation »
So i went to his WordPress admin panel to investigate why WooCommerce orders analytics data is incorrect. But I was unable to find any problem on first glance. So doing some research I found some recommendations which was related to Analytics Cache and Action Scheduler missing actions.
How to fix WooCommerce Analytics not Matching Data?
Well there are two things you need to do first run the missing scheduled actions and then clear the analytics cache.
1. Run past-due and pending scheduled actions manually

There are some simple steps you can take to run and complete all missing actions form WooCommerce scheduled actions. Follow simple steps below.
- Login your WordPress admin panel
- Navigation to WooCommerce >> Status Menu
- From Tabs panel select Scheduled Actions
- Now from record filters select Past-Due or Pending
- Run them one by one
Once you have cleared missing scheduled actions execution you should go to next step. In case for any reason actions aren’t completing and again failing then check your server’s error logs to know more details about the reason of actions failure.
Tip: Please go to WordPress admin panel >> Tools >> Site health and make sure all necessary modules are present for actions to run smoothly. If you find any missing module you may need to contact your web hosting support.
2. Clear analytics cache for WooCommerce

Once you have made sure all past-due scheduled actions have been completed now its time for you to clear your WooCommerce orders analytics data. Which will fix the orders analytics problem you are facing till now. To clear analytics cache for WooCommerce please follow the simple steps listed below.
- Sing in WordPress admin panel
- Go to WooCommerce >> Status menu
- From menu tabs select Tools
- Go to Clear Analytics Cache option and click it.
Now check your WooCommerce orders analytics
Now you can go to Analytics >> Overview and most probably you will see the correct data in your WooCommerce analytics which will match your selected periods sales.
Why WooCommerce orders data matching problem arise?
Sometime there is upgrade in your server which do not all necessary modules needed to complete scheduled actions. Or sometime your server goes down. Mostly this type of problem happen when you switch web hosting. Its always a good idea to hire an expert to maintain and look after your WooCommerce website. Check out our WooCommerce maintenance service. For any kind of other questions you can contact us anytime.