As we know there are so many powerful languages like C++, C#, Java, PHP, and so many But when we talk about javaScript that does not mean this is java programming language even this javascript do not relate to java language at all about anything. Java Language is a big object oriented programming language to develop desktop mobile and other electronic products softwares like washing machines, watches, mobile phones, AC controllers and so many other tools. On other hand JavaScript only used in browsers to give some attractiveness to visitors.
When javaScript was produced in start there was no idea or relation of this javaScript language with Java but on that era java was a very popular language so the developers of javaScript called it javaScript so it can be famous as well. But with the time passes more people started showing interest to use javaSCript on their web pages cause this was adding some attractiveness with visitor and website. Using javaScript we can ask specific questions to user before he can leave our website or visit another page, using javaScript we can give them active calculator as our website doing calculations for them. Using javaScript we can show them time of their computer, using javaScript we can alert them and ask them anything.
What javaScript is exactly?
Like other pgoramming languages C++, PHP, JSP, ASP and many more javaScript do not use compiled programs, the software of javaScript run by interrupter which is already in our browser that means the code of javaScript runs on the time when its being loaded. This type of softwares are little slower then compiled software but this is true. Cause server only can send text to browser and other type of files access can be harmful and can be dangerous for users as developers would able to send anything on their computer then. Also javaScript is not object Oriented language but this is object oriented based language. This do not support OOPS completely but some features of oops.
JavaScript do not have so much access to user’s computer it can mostly handle parts inside the body of html this way we can make our users secure. Like other programming languages C++ we are able to write files on computers, we are able to change the hard disk speed, we are able to read all data of computer directories, but with javaScript we cannot do these things if so we will lose the security of user and many users will leave using website then 🙂
With JavaSCript we can validate forms, we can take user answers, we can submit forms, and we can do a many more things in website with javaScript.