Hi Guys i was working hard to make this system more better for users and make their php life easy and giving them complete user management system with message center so they can get rapid development started.
As the php login and user management system is based on bootstrap this gives users ability to edit system very easy as per their layout and colors requirements. Message center is also improved so no empty messages can be submitted. So what’s new?
Improved message center
Improved message center which have included tinymce editor for messages textarea this will give users ability so they can add html tags, and formating like microsoft word. Message center had some validation bugs which have been fixed. And this new message center gives users ability to format messages nicely. Yahoo!
Improved notes section
As you know php login system and user management also include notes section where users can save notes of them. Now i have included tinymce to notes detail section so you can better format your notes now 🙂
Added 15 new skins
Thanks to bootswatch they have provided 15 skins for bootstraps very nice and new skins are easy to update from general settings in system and when installing system. New mesage center, and login system with user management have beautiful skins which make system more elegant and unique for you.
3 New languages and language module
I have separated language from system and now all sentences and words are inside 1 file 🙂 3 built in languages available for now German, French, Dutch. You can use php login sysmte with german, and any other language you want very easy to add new languages.
New php function to get users information from database
I have added new function get_user_info() in users class which take 2 arguments 1st is user id and second term, term is actually the field name of users table in database, lets say you want to get First name for user_id 1 get_user_info($user_id, ‘first_name’) will return you first name of user id. See working example below for loged in user, also please note this function is inside users class so we have to create user object before calling the function.
$new_user = new Users; //this is user object saved in $new_user.
$first_name = $new_user->get_user_info($_SESSION[‘user_id’], ‘first_name’); //Session user id is loged in user’s id.
//Now you have saved first name in variable $first_name. It was easy let’s get city now.
$city = $new_user->get_user_info($_SESSION[‘user_id’], ‘city’);
Dont wait check live demo and buy product in just 22$ 🙂 And make your development with PHP easy.