UTF-8 is set of special characters like copyright sign, trademark sign, greater than sign, less than sign , AND operator and many more. But how can we write them in our HTML document? while we dont have these keys in our keyboard? First of all you need to define your document as including charset of utf-8 so your document can tell browser that i am using utf-8 charset.
How to make utf-8 html document?
After <html> tag you have <head> tag immediately after <head> put this code. <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″ /> This is not necessary you put this code after <head> you can place it anywhere inside <head></head> but remember this should stay above </head> closing and below <head> opening. Once you have done this you are doing well and your document now support charset of utf-8 and you can use them in your document.
If you are creating your html or xhtml document with Dreamweaver or any other web development software then you may dont need to worry about this meta charset cause software add this automatically in your html or xhtml document. See below a code where we have implemented charset and then see its result as well below.
[code lang=”html”]
Untitled Document</pre>
<table border=”1″ cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”5px”>
Above code tells you how to make a utf-8 html document and how to put utf-8 symbols in html document. Now see the view of above code below.
Symbol |
“ |
& |
< |
> |
€ |
Á |
á |
´ |
© |
È |
ϒ |
ν |
Ι |
Dont worry about these scary symbols if you are in beginning stage of html learning you have good news as you are going to do work on internet and computer you always have help available after few clicks only. You can find all symbols and their codes in many websites To know more about these characters please read HTML Codes – HTML Special Characters