I am seeing a white blank screen in wordpress if i am trying to go /wp-admin/ if i am trying to logout i see blank white screen, if i try to add new post after clicking publish i see blank white screen, if i click trash i see blank white screen or for any reason you are having such problems.
- First of all change theme and see if your problem solved.
- If problem was theme then go to your function.php file, and try to remove unnecessary line breaks, upload file function.php again to server, if this do not solved your problem.
- Check does your function.php have any filter functions? like expert-more filter? and your function.php functions calling global $post variable? Try to make comment around your filter functions and dont call them. This should solve your problem. if not yet
- Try to deactivate plugins one by one.
- Try to replace .htaccess file with other wordpress .htaccess file.
If you are still having any problem feel free to contact me.