This can be a little confusing for new users of Revolution slider how to do different things with slider or slides in slider. In this article we are going to describe how you can effectively edit slider settings and how you can edit slide’s or copy, add new or modify existing slides.
How to create slider revolution from scratch complete guide.
Sign in WordPress admin and navigate to Revolution Slider in sidebar of WordPress admin menu. Now select your desired slider which you are going to modify or make changes to.
When you select your desired slider and enter inside, you actually enter the first slide’s preview if you clicked on slider thumbnail. On top of slider there are 3 Tabs visible now. All Sliders | Slider Settings | Slide Editor “Name of Slide”
How to add new slides in revolution slider?
Below Slide Editor Tab you can see the available slides and the current slide you are in highlighted as well.
Static/Global layers are those layers or slide features which will be visible in all other slides by default. For example if you want to display your image on all your slides, rather than adding same image to all slides its always good idea to put that on global/static layer. So any changes to that layer can effect on all slides. If you put same item on several slides then you will have to go each slide when you want to make change.
Add New Slide: There you can find option to Add new slide, Now you can set its background image and add your desired layers and other settings as this is completely new slide. You can say a fresh canvas to pain inside same slider.
Copying Existing Slide: But if your new slide is going to be similar to previous slide its recommended to hover on the slide which you are going to copy and a menu will come down from which you can click on copy slide option.
If you click Add new directly that will give you completely new slide without any background or text or group layers. But copying will only require you to change slide background, text and other stuff as per your requirements.
How to fix mobile screen issues for revolution slider?
Revolution slider is awesome responsive slider which gives you a lot of options to make your slider responsive. While you are editing a slide you can view the mobile port viewport options. These are options which gives you ability to style your slide’s individually for each type of screen size. Supported screen sizes in slider revolution viewport are large Desktop, medium notebook then tablet and mobile.
As you can see in screenshot above the toolbar above slide’s preview gives you option to select different view port types like desktop, laptop, mobile and tablet. Just select a type and then style your slider to perfectly fit in that view size. This will make your slider responsive for each screen. Remember if you dont do settings for mobile but you do for tablet, then tablet settings will apply to its lower sizes. Like if you do for laptop and not for tablet and mobile then laptop settings will apply below sizes.
Mobile Viewport Options are Missing
If the mobile viewport options are missing just go back to slider settings. Scroll down to 4) Slider Layout there you have to make sure Custom Grid Size is selected to On not off. Once you turn it on save your slider go back to slide and you will be able to see the mobile view port options again in slide’s toolbar just above slide’s preview.
How to change text layer color in revolution slider?
When you have text layers no matter they are grouped or not in revolution slider. After you are in slide’s window double click on the text layer. Once its selected like the preview above you can now see the several options. From these options you can change line height, font size, font weight, color, font family, alignment, font style and so many more things for text layers of revolution slider. Its really simple and there is no hard and fast rule just go and try yourself trying again and again will make you perfect handling text layers in revolution slider.
How to middle align revolution slider text layers?
Revolution slider is really powerful which give you option to put number of layers inside a group so you can easily align that group top, bottom or middle as per your choice.
If you have one layer that would be very easy you can just select that layer and click middle, bottom, top, left, center, right alignment buttons.
Add group and insert layers inside: But if you have more than 1 layer its recommended you scroll down to slide, and click on Add group button. Now you can move your desired layers in that group. Once you have created group and put layers inside now select that group and click on alignment buttons. You can align group to left, right, center also top, bottom and middle. That’s it for alignment you can easily align multiple layers to left, right, top, bottom, middle or center.
How to change slider rotate time?
Yes you need to go back to slider settings, before changing tab from slide editor to slider settings or moving between different layers. Make sure you have saved the changed otherwise you will lose the changes you made.
Change Default Rotation Duration: Click on General settings tab then move to defaults where you can find several options in which you can see , default duration time, change this to anything remember 1000 is equal to 1 second. Similarly you can change the effect from fadeIn to ZoomIn or anything you can just try.
Change Slide’s Duration Time: If you wan to give different duration to any slide then you can go to that slide. With Main background tab you can find defaults tab this is where you can change the duration for specific or individual slide. This settings will override the General settings >> default form slider settings tab.
If you have any questions or feedback please post comment below thanks!