Digital marketing and social media marketing are often used by interchangeably even by those who work in these areas. By doing marketing on social media, they people believe that they are doing digital marketing. That’s not correct.
Indeed, digital marketing is an umbrella term of which social media marketing is just a part. Digital marketing covers all types of marketing activities performed by a brand, both online and offline, to promote its products and services via different channels. Among many channels of digital marketing, social media is the most crucial channel of it. Some of these social media channels are Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.
Most famous platforms of digital marketing are Email Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing, Per-pay click and many more. Digital Marketing is not internet depending like Social media to run its campaigns. Google Ads, Email Ads, TV commercials, billboard signs etc. are the very famous examples of digital marketing.
This article will assist you to comprehend the concept of digital marketing along with social media marketing precisely. I will share with you some critical differences between Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing. So, let’s start.
Digital Marketing
Determining consumer demands and satisfying them is all that is called Marketing. Digital Marketing is one of the emerging branches of marketing to reach global customers directly. All digital channels are used in digital marketing to promote awareness of brands, products and services worldwide. It covers both online and offline marketing platforms available for advertising.
Online Digital Platforms: SEO and PPC, website marking, mobile marketing, social media marketing, eCommerce with the help of multiple WooCommerce plugins like WooCommerce side cart and WooCommerce product video, content curation, mobile marketing on Google Play and Apple Store, Ads on Google and YouTube, video content marketing, online banner marketing, etc.
Offline Digital Platforms: TV, Radio, SMS, Indoor and Outdoor digital or banners or billboards, etc.
To reach the targeted audience and to accomplish the targeted business goals, businesses need to use all the available digital marketing platforms, both offline and online. No business can run its advertising campaign effectively without using digital marketing properly. There are thousands of agencies worldwide to provide you with the services of professional digital marketers fit for your business in the long-run.
Vacancies in digital marketing
Social Media Marketing
Today Social media has become the most significant part of Internet Marketing. Days had gone when people used social media for entertainment only. Now it is not only the source of bringing people together worldwide to exchange ideas and information. Today all business marketers recognized it the top channel for a successful advertising campaign. For a comprehensive business strategy, social media marketing is a preferred choice of advertisers.
Advantages of using social media in Marketing:
- Social media is vital for digital marketing because of the number of its monthly millions of active users per platform.
- It is one of the fastest ways to spread your messages in seconds. Your message can instantly go to millions of internets -users worldwide if you have a strong fan base on social media channels like Facebook, Tweeter, Instagram, etc.
- Social media is a trending platform today to establish a healthy relationship among sellers and customers.
- By properly using social media for marketing, you can rank your business website in search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
Social media is the best platform marketing where you can quickly determine the demands of our customers, and by satisfying them, you can boost your profits. By thoroughly analyzing the comments, messages, tweets and, likes of your customers, you can determine the feedback of your customers for your products. These statistics can assist you a lot to boost your business in a short period.
Digital Marketing Versus Social Media Marketing
Now, after reading about explanations, it is clear that digital marketing and social media marketing are not synonymous terms. Like many other aspects, social media is also an aspect of an element of digital marketing. After thoroughly understanding the concepts of digital marketing and social media marketing, the following differences appear:
- Digital marketing is not limited to internet boundaries. It covers both online and offline digital channels reach out to its target audience worldwide, while social media marketing is the internet-based platform. Digital marketing is a broad concept, while social media marking is a narrow one.
- Digital marketing uses all available and cost-effective digital channels for advertising its products and increasing its customer base. It refers to the market trends and modern marketing techniques. While Social media marketing uses all social media means to grow traffic on business websites.
- Digital marketing focuses just on the banner advertisements appealing to customers’ minds. On the hand, Social media marketing campaign heavily depends on content strategy. The more engaging and unique your content is, the stronger your customer base will be.
- A digital marketing strategy stresses on reaching the target audience using different means like Internet Advertising, Mobile ads, TV, SMS, etc. In contrast, a social media strategy aims at actively engaging with the social media user using one or more channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
- Digital marketing is not as faster as social media marketing in its speed. The response of users on social is more rapid because of the easy tools added by social media platforms like, like, share, comment, tweet etc. Secondly, Social media channels have more active users than other platforms of digital marketing.
Final Thought
I hope this article will assist you in the clear-cut understanding of the concepts of Digital Marketing and Social media marketing. The critical difference between both these terms is digital marketing is both offline and online while social media marketing is limited to the internet boundaries. If you are a student and you have a task to write a paper on differences between interested digital marketing or social media marketing might be getting some online assistance with your task. After understanding this difference, you will be able to use the appropriate means to run your marketing campaign fit for your business.
Digital marketing is the future of marketing, and it will gain more ground with the increase in online and offline advertising channels. Social media marketing, on the other hand, is just an aspect of it, but we cannot ignore its importance in digital marketing. So, choose the right platform for digital marketing but don’t overlook the use of Social media marketing. Good Luck!