If your WordPress sending your emails to spam folder that can be a big problem to solve for non tech people. There can be several reasons why emails are going to spam folders and each problem have different types of solutions. You need to stop WordPress emails from going to spam.
As you spend several $$ to launch your website and keep it running. While you are working hard to get new leads or traffic. At same time if emails are going to spam folder that can get you lost a lead from your hard work.
What can be the reason emails going to spam?
As stated above there are several reasons emails are going to spam. But the two most common reasons are listed below. Each problem can be fixed by different methods.
- Your IP Address is blocked or blacklisted
- From email setup in WordPress is not related to your domain like [email protected]
Is your Email blacklisted by Fabel Spamsources information
When you are using shared hosting. That means you just hold a slot on that server or a small partition. That also means the IP address being used with your domain name is also in use with several other websites. So if any website which is using same shared IP do spam or marked as blacklisted. This will also bring problems for you and your website’s emails will start going to spam folder.
Check if your domain ip is blacklisted or de listed from not spam sources.
Find your domain’s IP address
Before you start you have to find the IP address of your domain name. Please go to domain ip checker and find your domain’s ip below DNS lookup. Once you have found the IP address of your domain then you can check if its listed as spam or not.
Check if your IP is listed in Fabel Spamsources system
Please note that the Fabel spamsources system only lists IP addresses, not domain names. As you already have obtained your domain’s IP address now its time to lookup IP in Fabel SpamSources system.
Go to spamsources.fabel.dk and enter your domain’s IP. Once form return the message your domain is not listed in spam sources. That means you don’t have problem with your domain’s ip or server. You can jump to From email verification step.
If you receive domain is listed in spamsources fabel system what to do?
As i told you before if you are on a shared hosting. And any other domain or user who is also sharing same hosting violated the policy you will also be effected.
No matter if you have shared ip or dedicated IP address. You can once try sending request to spamsources to delist your IP. If this works that’s great otherwise follow next step. Delist request for spamsources.fabel.dk.
Get a dedicated IP or change your IP address
While you found your IP delisted cause of spam identification. Requesting fabel.dk did not work for you. Now the only solution is left to get a new IP address associated with domain name.
Now you can contact your hosting provider explain them the situation. And request them to assign you a new IP as the IP you are using is delisted and will not be listed by fabel.dk.
To avoid these issues in future we recommend you to get a dedicated IP and SSL certificate also if you can afford. Domains working under https:// protocol with dedicated IP are secure and rarely face these issues unless they do something suspicious.
From email is not related to domain name
Weather you are using WordPress or just simple html site with PHP embed form. This is very important that the emails you are receiving or sending through your website. They all should come from a dress which is related to your domain name for example [email protected].
Avoid using common email addresses
You should also avoid using common email ids as they are mostly marked as spam. For example [email protected], [email protected] etc. To make it more effective make emails like [email protected] or [email protected]. These are more secure and well treated emails.
How to create Email in cPanel if you don’t have email address?
Login to your cPanel and Email section you can find email accounts link. Click that link and create your email id and note its password as well. This is possible the interface of your web hosting is different but the functions are almost same.
Setting up from email in PHP contact forms
Code for PHP contact form to send email looks like this below. Where the from_email should be related to domain name. Make sure the from email is related to your website’s email address. From email and reply to email in php mail function sent via headers. Check the function below your email sender would be almost similar.
//getting set email addresses from database.
$from_email = "[email protected]";
$reply_to = "[email protected]";
$mailheaders = "From:".$from_email;
$mailheaders .="Reply-To:".$reply_to;
$from = $from_email;
$headers = "FROM: ".$from;
$semi_rand = md5(time());
$mime_boundary = "==Multipart_Boundary_x{$semi_rand}x";
$headers .= "\nMIME-Version: 1.0\n" .
"Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n" .
" boundary=\"{$mime_boundary}\"";
$message .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n" .
"--{$mime_boundary}\n" .
"Content-Type:text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n" .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" .
$message . "\n\n";
$message .= "--{$mime_boundary}\n" .
"Content-Type: {$fileatt_type};\n" .
" name=\"{$filename}\"\n" .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" .
mail($mailto, $subject, $message, $headers);
Setup from Email for WordPress
Once you have created the email address now login to your WordPress admin page. Go to General >> and change your website’s main email to domain’s email address. You can also go to contact forms plugins and change from email id’s to same email you created before.
Once you change WordPress’s master email you will need to verify change by link you will receive in email. That’s why WordPress shows this message there ” This address is used for admin purposes. If you change this we will send you an email at your new address to confirm it. The new address will not become active until confirmed. “
You should setup your emails to gmail so you can receive and send emails easily. Other option cPanel also provide some email services to access webmail please refer to your hosting provider for more information.
Problem not solved yet?
This is real unfortunate if problem have not been fixed yet. The next solution can work perfectly for you. Install and setup WP Mail SMTP by WPForms in WordPress this will help you solve the issue.
Please post your feedback so we can improve this article with your suggestions. We can also suggest you further assistance if problems arising.