Maybe you ever hear about static and dynamic websites but you don’t know what they both are and what is difference between static and dynamic websites.
Which website fits your needs you can decide once you know what dynamic and static websites are.
Before we go forward you should know about client side languages and server side languages.
When you visit a website you are in client side of that website actually the client side is all about how the website will look to visitor as we use CSS to make the colors, height, width, borders, font size, font weight, font style, boxes and other things so Cascading style sheet or CSS is also a client side language after that we have XHTML/HTML in which we put our data like text, images inside xhtml/html tags so they can be displayed with style of CSS that’s why xhtml/html is also a client side language after that we have javascript which is also client side language we use javascript to validate forms, interact with user, make calculations, hide show div, put timers, moving slides and a lot with javaScript.
So XHTML/HTML, CSS, Javascript are main client side languages and their code executes in our browser and our browser understand their code how to display that.
There are several server side scripting languages in market now but our main focus for this website would be on PHP and you will find all tutorials related to php only, But there are many server side scripting languages some of them are PHP, ASP, JSP, Python, Perl and others. These languages actually execute on server side and send us relative data based on their programming in form of XHTML, CSS, JavaScript for example we have written a php code that if user is visiting our site from computer redirect him to if from mobile redirect him to one more example we are saving our data in database and we get that data suppose data is related to our products we get products in form of html code from database using server side scripting language. We will discuss more in detail when we will cover php.
Read more about client side languages and server side languages.
Static Websites
Static websites are very simple websites which store data in files only they are like your company brochure which save the data in files and data is not coming dynamically, Suppose your website have 5 pages that means your website have 5 pages files in your server which have there data in each file related to page. When we go to specific page that means we are loading specific file which contain related data server side not involve in this type of websites server just send same files as they are on server side. Even if each page have same design layout they will repeat each and everything on each page and every page is there separately. Read more about static websites.
Dynamic Websites
Dynamic websites like facebook you see the home page of facebook? The design of home page is same for you and that is same for your friend as well but that have different data for you and different data for your friend as well based on their connections that means facebook have only 1 home page design layout home.php and facebook post data based on user from server side database using php and show you different and different to your friends. If you are visiting a blog they post new post each day and that post come in a page that does not mean they create a new file for that post every day actually their post page is single and that display data related to post in that design. Read more about Dynamic websites.