When we have to make links in our site we need html tag called <a and we give reference or link where we want to make link in href like this <a href=”destination.php” As you know we have two types of links relative and absolute we have posts related to them as well.
What tag a stands for ?
In xhtml we have tag <a which stands for Anchor means this is link to other site’s and pages inside our site as well.
What tag href stands for ?
Well the href stands for hypertext reference. This is reference where we want this link to go this is necessary part of any link.
How href works
Browser can understand <a href= tags and browser make links to href so when user click on that link they go to reference page or file. When we click a page on our website browser see if this is relative link browser will find that page or file inside our server if absolute link browser will go back to internet and will start search again.
Examples of a href
[code lang=”html”]
<!–absolute a href examples–>
<a href="http:// www.mainsite.com./">Absolute link</a>
<!–Relative href eample .–>
<a href="gallery.php">Gallery?</a>