Rentic – Car Rental & Dealership WordPress Theme is meant for folks who want to build a very professional and yet user-friendly website for rent and sales. It provides a clean layout, well- structured designing, and hence makes it easier for you to show off vehicle listings and price plans along with bookings. Be it a rental service or a dealership; this theme fulfills the necessity features in order to have successful management of one’s offerings.
Why you should choose Rentic – Car Rental & Dealership WordPress Theme
Rentic – Car Rental and Dealership WordPress Theme is well-structured since it targets businesses willing to have a professional online platform. The theme has a clean and organized layout that makes it easy to display vehicle details, pricing, and booking options. Really, it comprises a lot of integral features such as an engaged booking system, in-depth car profiles, and responsive designs to promise a very smooth experience across devices. Rentic also promises additional customization opportunities to add or match your brand identity, paving the way for businesses to offer their services. This would be just the type of site that would help either a car rental service or a dealership maximizes operations and customer engagement.
- Professional design
- One-Click demo installation
- Modern, Flexible, Customizable
- WordPress 4.0+ Tested and Approved
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3 code
- Cross-Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome
- Slider Revolution & Swiper Slider included
- Retina Images Support
- User menu and Main menu support
- Interactive Ajax Search
- Flexible Colors & Typography
- Layout Features:
- 100% Responsive & Mobile-friendly
- Boxed and Fullwidth page layouts
- Elementor Page Builder support – modify any page content easily
- Customize Header and Footer Layouts in Elementor Page Builder
- Advanced Blog Settings:
- Multiple Blog Styles
- Flexible Layout Options
- 20+ Post Animations
- Customizable Blog Feed (choose from post types or categories)
- Post views, likes and sharing buttons
- Related Posts Section
- Powerful Theme Framework:
- Setting Inheritance and Override System
- 750+ Customizer Options
- Custom Post Types
- Custom Widget Sets
- Custom Shortcodes
- Custom Theme Options Panel
- Optimized for best performance
- …and many more!
- Plugins Compatibility:
- Elementor
- Elementor Pro
- Slider Revolution
- Contact Form 7
- Advanced Popups
- ThemeREX Addons
- ThemeREX Updater
- WooCommerce
- TI WooCommerce Wishlist
- Fontello & Image Icons
- Google Fonts
- Professional Support
- Detailed Documentation
- Regular Updates
- And many more