What is Facebook Vanity URL?
By default you get URL from facebook is like this something, http://www.facebook.com/pages/TBGDesign4UCom/250923628277577 This is facebook’s default url you get from your fan page when you create your fan page. But when you change this default url to something like http://www.facebook.com/yourBizTitle this become facebook vanity url.
When to set Vanity url?
Facebook’s limitation of fans is 25 to 30 Means when you have 25 to 30 fans or above it you can setup your vanity URL. So if you cannot setup your facebook vanity url that means your facebook fan page have not enough fans to use this feature. For this you have to wait and when your fan page reach 25 to 30 fans that is time you can setup your vanity url. Don’t wait too long for it before anyone else take your desired name.
Set Facebook Profile Vanity URL
Remember you can chose vanity url for your Facebook profile just once. So be careful while selecting your profile’s facebook vanity url. If you know you do not have vanity url for your facebook profile just go to http://www.facebook.com/username And select Vanity url for your profile, Be careful that you don’t select your personal name for any of your fan page. That misunderstanding is common on Facebook. Once done that’s it now you have vanity url for your facebook profile.
Set Facebook Fan page Vanity URL
Note that you can change your facebook fan page’s vanity url anytime, but once what you select is not spare for anyone else anymore. So if you want your fan page’s Vanity url go to http://www.facebook.com/username Then select Fan page for which you want to select Vanity url , type name you want to use in Enter Desired name, Then check availability if username is available a dialogue box will appear which will ask you to confirm your request, please read that page carefully before you confirm. Once done that’s it Now you got Facebook vanity url for your business fan page.