If you create a facebook iframe application for your fan page tab and you get scroll bars they look very bad in all browsers but this is very simple and easy to get rid from scroll bars in facebook iframe fan page tab for this you have to do is just add few CSS lines and some javaScript , First of all you need to get the application id from your facebook fan apge iframe application.
How to get facebook iframe application id?
Go to facebook then www.facebook.com/developers on top you will see App link click on that select your application there which you have used in your fan page for tab. When you open application you will have your App id there copy that id and write that somewhere.
Now edit your tab file this if that is a .html document convert that into .php file open your file in any text editor like notepad, or notepad++ or use dreamweaver whatever you have. In head section before </head> put javaScript which is below this should above </head>
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
// Do things that will sometimes call sizeChangeCallback()
function sizeChangeCallback() {
Now you have to replace your <body> tag with
you can do that with CSS as well just insert following code before </head> or in your stylesheet remember do this only if you have not followed above replacing <body> method above is inline CSS and below is CSS in head section or in your stylesheet.
body {
</style> <!–dont include this line if you are adding above code in stylesheet–>
The overflow hidden will work for IE the javaScript remove scroll bars in all browsers but not on IE so to remove scroll bars in IE you need to add above CSS you can add in stylesheet in head or load in body tag inline style.
At last add the following code before </body> and remember to replace the App ID with your application id dont remove ” so here is the code add before </body>
<script src=”http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js”></script>
appId : ‘You App Id’,
status : true, // check login status
cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
xfbml : true // parse XFBML
That’s all to remove the scroll bars from facebook iframe fan page. Save file update files on server and you are done. This will remove scroll bars in Internet Expplorer and other browsers as well. If you have any question post below.